
The library is A structural unit of the College, whose main task is to support the educational and research processes, promote the policy of academic integrity through the provision of the necessary educational and cultural resources, their promotion, library services and training in information retrieval and bibliographic skills.
In its activities, the library is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the law "on education", documents on library business and other acts of the Ministry of education and science, the mission of the IBO, the curricula of the state program of education and international programs PYP and MYP.
The main functions of the library are educational, informational, cultural.
The formation of the library Fund is carried out in accordance with national and international educational programs on the basis of normative documents on library Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and adopted by the College "policy of the library Fund".
The library Fund consists of electronic and traditional media and includes educational, artistic, reference, popular science literature, periodicals for teachers and students, scientific, pedagogical and methodological resources. The library has access to Internet resources.
The Fund is completed in Russian, Kazakh, English, as well as in other native languages of students.
The library is available and free for readers: students, teachers, College staff. Also satisfies parents ' requests for literature and information on pedagogy and education, taking into account the available opportunities.
The procedure for access to library collections and other library information, the list of basic services and the conditions for their provision by the library are determined in the rules of use of the library.
The library schedule is established in accordance with the College schedule. The library is available for users daily from 9.00 to 17.00, except Saturday and Sunday. Lunch break from 12.30 to 13.00.

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