Rules about students’ admission and exclusion of ICCE

The educational process at the ICCE based on the integration of State Compulsory Educational Standards (SESE RK) and International Baccalaureate programs.

Differentiation of education, considers the interests, needs and abilities of the child, create the conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of students, their personal growth, develop independent and critical thinking. Students accepted to the school for whom integrated curricula are acceptable. Admission and enrollment of students carried out in accordance with the Rules of admission to school..

Enrollment is based on:

Availability of vacant places in the appropriate class (the number of children in a class should not exceed 18 people)

Documents required for admission to school:


Parent / Guardian Application for Admission to School;

Birth certificate or passport (copy);

Child's UIN;

Copies of IDs or passports of the student’s parent / guardian;

Photos of the child (3X4) - 2 pcs.

A child's health passport (form 026), a vaccination card (form 063) and a certificate of epidemiology from the state medical institution at the place of residence (originals)

Grade documents in previous years (originals);

Certificate of completion of basic school (for students entering grades 10-11);

Mortality talon;

Copy of the rental agreement;

Certificate from parents’ place work;

Agreement on the conditions of student education at the ICCE between students' parents and this educational institution.


Admission to school:

Students admitted to school from August 15 to July 1 of each school year. During the school year, admission to the appropriate classes may also be availability. The administration of the ICCE organizes a student admission procedure. The final decision on the admission of students take by the Director of the MKNO.

Conditions of admissions at 1stclass:

The child interviewed in the form of testing in order to identify the level of students' knowledge and degree of preparedness for school.

Interview with a psychologist and speech therapist.

Availability of a full package of documents.


Conditions of admission to elementary school:

The child interviewed in the form of testing in mathematics and the Russian language in order to identify the level of students' knowledge and degree of training in these subjects.

Interview with a psychologist to determine the degree of readiness for college.

 Availability of a full package of documents.

Conditions of admission at 5th – 11th classes:

An interview conducted in the form of testing in mathematics, the Russian language and the English language in order to identify the level of students' knowledge and degree of training in these subjects.

Interview with a psychologist to determine the degree of readiness for college.

 Availability of a full package of documents.

Adaptation period:

An adaptation period set for all arriving students within 4–6 weeks. During this period, the class teacher, the school psychologist, the subject teachers and the administration of the ICCE monitor the learning achievements of new students and, if necessary, provide support.

Behavior Rules:

All members of the school community (students, teachers, parents, technical and support staff of the school) know and follow the Rules of Behavior for students of the ICCE. Parents of newly arrived students are acquainted with this document at the first parent meeting with the class teacher or study the Students' Behavior Rules on their own. Parents pledge to ensure that their children will abide by the Students’ Behavior Rules and not miss schoolwork without good reason. Students must pass school documents (grade documents, letters, etc.) to parents or persons replacing them.

Exclusion from school

The school has the right to suspend a student from classes or to exclude him from the ICCE in the event of a gross violation of the internal regulations

Parents role

 Parents are responsible for their child's implementation of school rules and regulations. Parents can help their children by monitoring their punctuality, discipline, and prevention of being late to school. Parents should keep in touch with the class teacher, subject teachers in order to obtain information about the child’s successes and problems at school. If necessary, parents can contact the administration of MKNO.

Health protection

When a child enters school, parents are obliged to provide a medical card about the child’s health status, containing information about past and chronic diseases, allergies, food intolerance, etc. and vaccination sheet. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an annual schedule of medical examination and vaccination drawn up. An ICCE doctor informs parents about upcoming vaccinations and medical examinations in a timely manner. If necessary, the child will receive first aid in college.

Parents required immediately inform the school that the child has diagnosed with an infectious disease that may cause damage to the health of other children and school staff.



ICCE n ensures student safety. Cameras are installed in the school building and surrounding areas.

Information Security:

The ICCE ensures that student photos will use only with the consent of their parents. If parents do not want the child’s photos or information about the child and family used for educational purposes at school activities, they must inform the school in writing form.

Transportation of children:

ICCE does not provide transportation services for children to school and home.


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