Additional education

Additional education


Additional education of students of International College of Continuous Education is carried out primarily due to the variable component of curriculum, which provides for the implementation of the main directions of the educational institution.


Due to the variable component, a number of programs based on official documents: International Baccalaureate Primary School Programs PrimaryYearsProgramme («MakingthePYPHappen: A curriculum framework for international primary education» and «LanguageScopeandSequence». Within the experimental site by theme “The Combining of state and international educational standards as a condition for universal education”, approved by order of the Department of Education of Astana city No. 1 of 15.08.2017.

-          Course “Language and we”, at 1st – 4th grades.


Programs’ purpose:


To develop students' understanding that language is a means of communication, having a variety of forms and methods of transmitting and receiving information;


To ensure acquirement with skills of using visual, oral and written language for effective communication and research;


To form an awareness of the opportunities and advantages that a person owns in various types of language.


-          Course “Logic”, at 1st – 4th grades.


The purpose of this course is the development and improvement of cognitive processes (attention, perception, imagination, development of all types of memory, thinking), and formation of key competencies of students.


-          Course “Entertaining Grammar”, at 1st – 4th grades.


The purpose of this course is to expand, deepen and consolidate the knowledge of Russian language among younger schoolchildren, to show students that grammar is not a collection of boring and difficult rules, but an exciting journey of Russian language at various levels of education.


-          Course "Reading with passion", at 1st 4th grades. The purpose of this course is to educate a competent and interested

Reader who knows children's world literature and is ready to perceive the culture of the peoples of other countries.

-          Course "Research activities of younger schoolchildren", in grades 1-4.

The purpose of this course is the development of cognitive activity, creative abilities in the process of teaching and research activities, preparation for writing research works.

-          Course "Informatics: step by step", at 1st, 2nd, 4th grades.

The purpose of this course: the development of students' abilities to adapt in the modern information world, raising their information culture and computer literacy, the ability to creatively and productively use the possibilities of information and communication technology.

-          Course “Search”, at 1st – 4th grades.

-          Course "Science", at 1st – 4th grades, 2 hours per week. The program "Science" is a matrix built of six interdisciplinary topics arranged vertically and age groups arranged horizontally. The planning organization for the six interdisciplinary topics determines the context of student learning. This allows them to gain balanced subject-specific knowledge, concepts and skills in order to develop a deeper understanding of interdisciplinary topics.


-          Course “Design”, at 1st – 4th grades.

The purpose of the course is to promote aesthetic and labor education, the formation of children's style. To give students the first idea of design as a specific artistic and creative construction activity of a person. To acquaint with the history of the emergence and development of design abroad and in Kazakhstan. Introduce the main methods of artistic design; form the simplest skills in artistic design (drawing pictures, sketches, project drawings, prototyping, modeling, etc.)

-          Course “Psychology”, at 1st – 4th grades.

The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of the significance of school in the mind of the child. To ensure the adaptation of the child to the school routine; form the concept of self-analysis and activity of child. Develop an understanding of the basic methods of scientific knowledge in the child; to ensure the development of a child's emotional intelligence; to form the child's ability to work both individually and in a group.

-          Course "Musical Drama" at 1st – 3rd, 5th, 6th grades.

The purpose of the course is to introduce children to the art of musical theater, to develop creative and musical abilities.

-          Course "Choreography", at 1st – 4th grades.

-           Course "Science in questions and answers" 5th, 6th grades.

The course "Science in Questions and Answers" is aimed to ensuring continuity in the formation of students' interest in the study of the natural sciences. Integrity science education and on the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with the ability to scientifically explain phenomena and the world around, the desire to obtain new scientific information and knowledge to solve life problems.

-          Course "Selected tasks on planimetry" at 8th grade.

The purpose of this course is to expand pupils' ideas about methods and techniques for solving planimetric tasks to move from the level of formal operational skills to a higher level, allowing you to build logical chains of reasoning, draw conclusions about the choice of solutions, analyze and evaluate the results.

-           Course “Exploring through language” for students of 5th – 10th grades.

 The course is aimed to providing high-quality education and upbringing of a modern, competitive, knowledgeable, open and globally minded person, able to explore, think creatively and critically, and realize their potential to change themselves and the world around for the better.

-          Course "Mathematical logic" at 5th – 8th grades.

The purpose of the course is the formation of means of mathematics competencies necessary for a person in modern society.

-          Course “Solving Text Tasks” at 6th grades.

The purpose of the course is a solution of mathematical tasks, the formation of the ability to find the idea of a solution, to plan the course of solving a task.

-          Course “My proud is my tradition” at 5th grades.

The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the traditions of Kazakh people.

-          The course "Preparing for a personal project", at 9th grade. An innovative course will help solve the task of

Developing students' independence, ability to self-education and self-development, will teach to see mini-problems, correctly find information sources and develop business communication skills in the process of working on a project.

-          The Art section, according to the IB program, is represented by the courses “Fine Arts”, “Choreography”, “Music”, for students at 7th, 8th, 9th grades.

Section purpose: Art is an integral part of the MYP. Art is an essential way of communication, through which students explore and build an understanding of themselves, develop an understanding of the world around them. The arts provide students with a wide range of opportunities and means to respond to events and present historical, social, and cultural perspectives.

-           Course "Practicum on task solving" at 10th – 11th grades.

The elective course “Practicum on Task Solving” will allow schoolchildren to systematize, expand and strengthen knowledge, prepare for further study, learn to solve various tasks of varying complexity, help develop and consolidate computer skills. The program designed to work with students in grades 10-11 with the aim of improving the effectiveness of teaching them mathematics, provides for preparing them for state (final) certification in mathematics for a course of secondary schools and for further mathematics education.

-          Course “Investigating with and about the language” at 10th grade.

The purpose of this course is to develop the ability of schoolchildren to use English as a tool for communication in the dialogue of cultures of the modern world.

-          Course “IELTS preparation” at 11th grade.

The purpose of this course is aimed at the high-quality preparation of students for passing the exam in the international English language testing system, which is the main condition for admission and successful study in educational institutions chosen by students of ICCE.-

-          Course “Composition: the laws and secrets of skill. Basic rules for writing essays" at 10th – 11th grades.

         The purpose of this course is the accomplishment of a creative person who knows how to use all the achievements of linguistic culture and create their own texts of different genres.

-          Course "History of Physics and the development of ideas about the world" at 10th – 11th grades.

The program of the course aimed at the development of cognitive interests and creative abilities. The main way to implement the course is a seminar, which creates conditions for acquiring the skills of independent work with literature, creating projects that helps develop research skills. The course traces the relationship of the content of educational material, the combination of theoretical and practical material provides a wide choice in working methods that will contribute to the creative and intellectual development of students.

In the course of the assignments, students have the opportunity to express their assumptions, analyze and draw conclusions, evaluate the results of work, which also affects their development


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