The Charter of the ICCE

1.The Charter of the ICCE develops the internal regulations for students of ICCE, whose main activity is educational activity, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About Education», the Policy of education of students of ICCE.

2. These rules establish the routine of the educational process for students, uniform requirements for form of students; determine the rights and obligations of students and their legal representatives, the basic norms and rules of behavior of students on the territory of the ICCE, and at all extracurricular activities.

3.  The purpose of these Rules is to create supportive educational environment that provides conditions for successful academic and social growth of students based on mutual respect between all members of the school community - the administration, teachers, students and their legal representatives.

4.  These Rules are for all members of school community – the administration, teachers, students, their legal representatives and other ICCE employees.

5. These Rules posted in the ICCE in a prominent place for public viewing and on the ICCE website.

6. The administration and teachers of ICCE are obliged to acquaint pupils and their legal representatives with these Rules in the following cases:

1)  At receiving documents for participation in the competitive selection with signature;

2)  At submitting the application about admission in ICCE with signature;

3) In PTA meetings and school assembly.  

7. Issues not regulated by these Rules are resolved in accordance with the approved regulations of the ICNO and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.




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