
кружковая деятельность

           Дүйсенбі – понедельник

1.    Футбол – 3-6 классы                                                            - 16:00-16:50        - Черненко В.И.

2.    «Волшебный карандаш» – 1-2 классы                               - 16:00-16:50        - Миллер Е.М.

3.    Домбра – 5-10 классы                                                          - 16:00-16:50        - Кошербаева А.Ж.

4.    Каратэ – 1-2 классы                                                             - 16:00-16:50         - Трон В.В.

5.    Вокальная студия 3-4 классы                                             - 16:00-16:50         - Бухтоярова Р.М.

6.    Танцы – 3-6 классы                                                             - 16:00-16:50         - Подольская Г.М.


        Сейсенбі – вторник


1.    Подвижные игры – 1-2 класс                                             - 16:00-16:30        - Корнилова Л.А.

2.    Подвижные игры – 3-4 классы                                          - 16:30-17:00        - Корнилова Л.А.

3.    Танцы – 1-2 классы                                                             - 16:00-16:50        - Подольская Г.М.

4.    Вокальная студия – 1-2 классы                                         - 16:00-16:50        - Бухтоярова Р.М.

5.    «Умелые ручки» –3-4 классы                                             - 16:00-16:50        - Наиста Л.А.

6.    «Волшебный карандаш» – 3-4 классы                              - 16:00-16:50        - Миллер Е.М.


    Сәрсенбі – среда

1.    Пионербол – 2 класс                                                            - 16:00-16:30        - Корнилова Л.А.

2.    Пионербол – 3-4 классы                                                      - 16:30-17:00        - Корнилова Л.А.

3.    «Умелые ручки» - 1-2 классы                                              - 16:00-16:50        - Наиста Л.А.

4.    Домбра - 1-2, 3 классы                                                         - 16:00-16:50        - Кошербаева А.Ж.

5.    Каратэ – 3-4 классы                                                              - 16.00-16:50        - Трон В.В.

6.    Танцы – 3-6 класс                                                                 - 16:00-16:50        - Подольская Г.М.

7.    Вокальная студия – 5-6 классы                                           - 16.00-16:50        - Бухтоярова Р.М.


         Бейсенбі – четверг


1.    Информатика – 8 класс                                                        - 11:30-12:10        - Жусупова А.Т.

2.    Спортивные игры – 7- 11 классы                                        - 16:00-16:50        - Черненво В.И.

3.    Волшебный карандаш - 1-2 классы                                    - 16:00-16:50        - Миллер Е.М.

4.    Информатика – 5/6 классы                                                  - 16:00-16:50        - Жусупова А.Т.

5.    Танцы – 1-2 классы                                                              - 16:00-16:50        - Подольская Г.М.

6.    «Умелые ручки» - 3-4 классы                                             - 16:00-16:50        - Наиста Л.А. 


Жұма – пятница


1.    Информатика – 7 класс                                                        -  14:30-15:10       - Жусупова А.Т.   

2.    Баскетбол – 3 – 6 классы                                                     - 16:00-16:50        - Черненко В.И.

3.    Домбра - 3-4 классы                                                             - 16:00-16:50        - Кошербаева А.Ж.

4.    Каратэ – 1-2 классы                                                              - 16:00-16:50        - Трон В.В.


How is the learning process organized?

College is:

Full – time school: from 9.00 to 18.00

Learning Week: five days

Saturday is a time for classes on interests, visits clubs, sections and studios


Specialty system at classrooms with the number of students up to 18-20 people


Academic year:

From 1st September, 2018 to 25th May, 2019


Autumn holidays: November 29-4


Winter holidays: December 31 - January 9

Additional holidays: February 4 - 10 (in 1st classes)

Spring holidays: March 21 – April 2

Summer holidays: May 26 – August 31


The school year is divided into 3 trimesters. Vacation time coincides with the traditional holidays. During the school day, time is allocated for walking and self-research activities.


Language of education?

Education in ICCE is in Russian

The important place is occupied by Kazakh language as the state;

English is studied immersed from 1st grade;

Second foreign language from 5th grade;

For the development language skills, summer and winter internships are offered in Oxford.

Your child doesn’t know Russian, but wants to study at the ICCE?

Indeed, the language of education in college is Russian, but they can be learned it by a special program individually or in small groups and trained to such level, that the student will have the opportunity to study in all subject disciplines.

1 звонок

Солнечный, сияющий день. Ослепительные разноцветные пятна букетов. Взволнованные лица, улыбки, приветствия, встречи.


И вот поплыла чарующая мелодия вальса, в центре площади закружилась пара. Началась очередная, юбилейная, двадцатая торжественная линейка, посвященная Дню Знаний.


Наша, заметно увеличившаяся в этом учебном году семья внимательно слушает поздравление директора МКНО "Хана Э.А"


Выпускники торжественно поднимают флаги МКНО, РК и Великобритании, и с замиранием сердца все встречают самых маленьких учеников, виновников торжества - первоклассников с их классными руководителями. Это их первая линейка, но они уже организованны, собранны и ответственны. С этой минуты все внимание им: их поздравляют 11- классники, веселые аниматоры проводят увлекательные конкурсы. А потом и сами малыши рассказывают о том, как они ждали этот день, как хотят побыстрее сесть за парты.


Мелодия песни в исполнении выпускницы Рахимбековой Камилы сменяется озорным флэшмобом - 5 - 6 классников.


И вот он  - долгожданный первый звонок, который приглашает всех в кабинеты на первый классный час. "Я патриот своей страны", где ребята будут говорить о самом главном в жизни каждого человека - о Родине.


Так прошел этот незабываемый день, давший отсчет новым надеждам, увлечениям и мечтам, упорному труду и интересным знакомствам - всему тому, что зовется планетой МКНО.

Детский сад 3D тур

Детский сад 3D тур (кликните по изображению)

Международный колледж непрерывного образования "Столичный"




Международный колледж непрерывного образования "Столичный"




About ensuring the access – control system

Department of Education ICCE Astana 2018-2019yy.



Compliance with the requirements of this Regulation is mandatory for all employees, permanently or temporarily working at school, students and their parents, all corporations and individuals being on the school's territory. The access – control system at the school provides a complex of special measures aimed at maintaining order of the school’s activities and determines the procedure for admission of students and school employees and citizens to the administrative building. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of access control by students assigned to class teachers and teachers on duty.

Employees who are on duty at the checkpoint of the School (security officers) guided by these Regulations.

The employee shall inform the school about all cases (facts) of violations of access control and fire safety regulations about persons and school children who violate access control or fire safety regulations in order to take the necessary measures.



2.1.  Students and ICCE staff also the visitors pass through the central and additional entrances.

2.2.  Opening / closing the doors of the central and additional entrances carried out by the guard or the security officer of the ICCE at a specified time.

2.3.  Beginning of school at 9:00. Pupils on duty class allowed into the school building at 8 hours 30 minutes, other students - at 8 hours 35 minutes. Students must arrive at the school no later than 8 hours and 50 minutes.

2.4.  In some cases, by order of the director, classes may begin from the second (and further) lesson (in all cases, students must come to school no later than 10 minutes before the start of classes).

2.5.  In the case of a delay without good reason, students allowed to enter the school with the permission of the administrator on duty or the class teacher.

2.6.  Students allowed leaving school before the end of classes only based on the personal permission from the teacher, doctor or administration representative, or based on a written application from parents and other legal representatives of the child.

2.6  Entrance students from elementary school to physical education, choreography, labor, Kazakh, English, computer science, walks and excursions, as well as to the canteen carried out only accompanied by a teacher or tutor.

2.7.  Members of clubs, sections and other groups for extracurricular activities allowed to attend school according to the schedule of classes and accompanied by a teacher or coach.

2.8.  The passage of students to school for additional classes after lessons and on Saturdays is possible according to the schedule provided by the teacher to the guard on duty.

2.9. During the holidays, students admitted to the school according to the plan of activities with students on holidays, approved by the school director.

2.10. In case of violation of discipline or rules of conduct, students can be bring to the duty teacher, class teacher, school administration.

2.11. The Director of the ICCE, his deputies, and the secretary may pass and stay on the school’s premises at any time of the day, as well as on weekends and holidays, if this is not limited to the current orders of the person in charge of access control.

2.12.  Teachers advised to arrive at school no later than 8 hours and 40 minutes

2.13.  In some cases, in accordance with the schedule approved by the school director, the lessons of a particular teacher may not begin with the first lesson (in all cases, the teacher must come to the school no later than 15 minutes before the start of his first lesson).

2.14.  Teachers, members of the administration obliged to notify the duty manager in advance about the time of scheduled meetings with individual parents, as well as about the time and place of parent meetings.

2.15. Another school employees come to the school in accordance with the work schedule approved by the director.



3.1.  Parents can be admit to the school upon presentation of identity document.

3.2.  Parents meet with teachers after school or in case of emergency during break.

3.3. For a meeting with teachers, or the school administration, parents tell the person responsible for the admission to the institution of unauthorized persons the surname, name, patronymic of the teacher or administrator to which they are sent, the surname, name of their child, the class in which he is studying. The person responsible for the admission to the institution of unauthorized persons shall make an entry in the "Visitors Log".

3.4. Parents not allowed going to school with large bags. Bags must be left to a duty officer and allowed the duty officer to inspect them.

3.5. Passing to the school of parents on personal matters to the school administration is possible by prior arrangement with the administration itself, about which the duty officer should be inform in advance.

3.6.  In the case of not scheduled arrival of parents to the school, the duty officer clarifies the purpose of their arrival and misses the school only with the permission of the administration.

3.7.  Parents who come to meet their children at the end of the lesson are waiting for them on the street or at the post of the duty officer in the hall. For parents of first-graders in the first half of the school year, an adaptive access control regime is established, which is negotiated separately by class teachers at parental meetings according to the order of the director.



Persons who not relate to the educational process and attend college on a business basis skipped upon presentation of an identity document, as agreed with the school director, with an entry in the Visitors Log.

4.2. Officials arriving at the college with a check skipped upon presentation of an identity document, notifying the school administration and will make in the “Journal of registration of activities to monitor college activities”.

4.3. Groups of persons attending a college to conduct and participate in public events, seminars, conferences, reviews, etc., allowed into the school building upon presentation of an identity document from the lists of visitors certified by the seal and signature of the school principal.

4.4. In case of conflict situations related to the admission of visitors to the school building, the duty teacher acts on the instructions of the school principal or his deputy.


The Charter of the ICCE

1.The Charter of the ICCE develops the internal regulations for students of ICCE, whose main activity is educational activity, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About Education», the Policy of education of students of ICCE.

2. These rules establish the routine of the educational process for students, uniform requirements for form of students; determine the rights and obligations of students and their legal representatives, the basic norms and rules of behavior of students on the territory of the ICCE, and at all extracurricular activities.

3.  The purpose of these Rules is to create supportive educational environment that provides conditions for successful academic and social growth of students based on mutual respect between all members of the school community - the administration, teachers, students and their legal representatives.

4.  These Rules are for all members of school community – the administration, teachers, students, their legal representatives and other ICCE employees.

5. These Rules posted in the ICCE in a prominent place for public viewing and on the ICCE website.

6. The administration and teachers of ICCE are obliged to acquaint pupils and their legal representatives with these Rules in the following cases:

1)  At receiving documents for participation in the competitive selection with signature;

2)  At submitting the application about admission in ICCE with signature;

3) In PTA meetings and school assembly.  

7. Issues not regulated by these Rules are resolved in accordance with the approved regulations of the ICNO and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.








С содержанием работ вы можете познакомиться в информационном центре Международного колледжа непрерывного образования города Алматы.






На зимних каникулах в колледже прошел международный тренинг на тему:

" Обучение и изучение в PYP".

Учителя поделились своими впечатлениями



Успешная практика

Приглашаем учителей к обмену опытом

Учебный процесс осуществляют высококвалифицированные специалисты: учителя, психологи, логопеды, руководители клубов, студий, кружков дополнительного образования. Возглавляют предметные объединения учителя высшей категории и учителя – методисты.

В колледже работают учителя - профессионалы, с опытом работы в международной школе. В связи с переходом на международную программу у педагогов появилась возможность приобщиться к передовому международному опыту, поделиться своими наблюдениями и открытиями.

На этой странице мы будем знакомить читателей с творческими находками наших учителей.

Наши учителя - авторы программ, учебников, рабочих тетрадей и школьных пособий в помощь учителям и студентам



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